is an NON PROFIT ORGANISATION  focusing on Environmental Conservation , Education and Awareness Programmes


GREEN NETWORK was established in 1993. It is a formally constituted association of approximately 45 community-based organisations (CBO) located in the urban , peri-urban and rural environment of Pietermartsburg-Msunduzi and surrounding areas . Members include women groups ,youth groups ,environmental clubs ,agricultural clubs and a variety of other civic organisations .Although some members organisations are politically aligned , the network its self is apolitical

GREEN NETWORK ‘s aim is to provide platform for previously disadvantaged communities to ;

– Articulate their concerns about environmental and development issues that affect them

-Express a common vision for improved environmental conservation and socio-economic well being and

-Formulate and implement strategies that resolve concerns and optimise oppotunities



Here at green network, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.


Green Now Green Future

Waste management in South Africa faces numerous challenges which include:

  • A growing population
  • Increased complexity of the waste stream due rapid urbanisation and industrialisation A historical backlog of waste services, especially for urban informal areas, tribal areas, and rural formal areas
  • Limited understanding of the main waste flows and national waste balance,
  • A policy and regulatory environment that does not actively promote the waste management hierarchy,
  • Absence of a recycling infrastructure pervasive under-pricing, and few waste treatment options are available to manage waste


Waste Pickers pick recyclable waste materials to sell  for an income. You see them every day roaming the streets picking up glass and plastic bottles paper and cardboard, and famous dragging their makeshift sled which holds their daily hoard. Some Waste Pickers work in the landfill sites, thereby facing serious health risks for the few rands they do get.

The aim of the Waste Pickers Programme is to research and analyse data to find ways to assist waste pickers to improve their working conditions, which may include sharing information with regard to funding opportunities, and organisational skills.




Green Network at a Glance

Landfill Closure

The New England Road Landfill has long since reachd its end of life and is well overdue for closure or for preparations to decommissioning to begin. The present council and higher authorities are moving too slowly. In 1993, the authorities acknowledged the severity of the matter and commissioned a regional landfill site, which proved too expensive to run and manage. In this time, the authorities agreed that the 10 to 15 year life span of the site is well exceeded, and subsequently heading for disaster as the oldest landfill site in Kwa-Zulu Natal, its time for change.

Already there have been a number of fatal waste picker incidents and fires, with smoke which ingulfs the neighbouring N3 freeway and the communities both on the south and the west of Pietermaritzburg, with numerous environmental health complaints.

  • Our goal is to unite the communities in a bid to demand the closure of the landfill site and promote a new recycling centre.

  • The recognition of the waste pickers as part of the green jobs and green economy, who depend on recyclable material for a living.

  • Municipality to invest to waste recovery facilities that provide sustainable waste collection.

To educate and encourage waste awareness management and education at all levels


Waste material continues to be found in areas not designated for dumping, roads sides, rivers, dams to name a few. 

Some areas which receive waste management service also have illegal dumping sites which are a confusing story. Advise will be given by Green Network to organised groups who see a need to unite and eradicate and rehabilitate illegal dumping sites into food gardens and beautification



Energy , whether derived from dead wood , cool, or electricity , has become an increasingly expensive resource. Women tend to bear the burnt of energy deficits as they are generally responsible for the cooking ,cleaning ,washing , home making and educative operations of the home , all of which are facilitated by easy access to energy . electricity is denied to many in poor and rural areas and even when it is accessible it is often too expensive to use.

Green Network has been concentrating on raising awareness of both Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency . the network has assembled a mobile Energy technology demonstration unit (RETMDU)  which consist of a trailer with solar water heater , solar panel ,converter , battery and globe to help in the process of education . A solar heating unity has recently installed in Roundavel

Recently a BIOGAS DIGESTER ,which uses freely available resources such as manure and agricultural waste , was installed at Willofowfountain .Biogas digesters uses organic matter to creat a clean , carbon-nutral gas which can be used for cooking and lighting.



The Conference is a platform for civil society to discuss the role of small and medium enterprises (SME) and at civil society organisations at grassroots level in local jobs creation ,livelihoods diversification and economic development .It will focus on developing and adopting a common that understanding and position with regards to civil societies’ stance in South Africa ‘s transition to a green economy and green jobs .Furthermore it will focus on how to change status of small and local driven entrepreneurs that contribute to social and environmental and livelihoods improvements as part of just TRANSITION .The main conclusions of the conference will be reflected and incorporated into civil society position paper and adopted by the participants at the conference.

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Green Network appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, every contribution making Green Network an even better Environmental Health Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct nformation pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.